Saturday, January 24, 2015

Final Visit to Sydney

As with most of our favorite destinations in Australia, we re-visited Sydney a couple of final times before our move home. On these particular visits, we returned for High Coffee at the Intercontinental hotel and had several meals (and ice cream cones) at Darling Harbour. We went back to the Aquarium and Wildlife Centre (so that Matty could see them now that he is older), and we also strolled through the botanical gardens and ferried out to Manly for the day.

I think it's safe to say that we love Sydney. It's most certainly a tourist city, but if you can look beyond the tourists, you will see so much more that this city has to offer. Our most visited spots have continued to be Darling Harbour and Manly Beach, but we've also come to love so many other areas. We will miss the cafe atmosphere, the shopping, the beaches, the gardens, and the laid back vibe.

We will also truly miss the ability to drive there in only a few short hours. Instead, we will be faced with 25+ hours of flying if we wish to visit it in the future. That thought alone makes us want to dig our feet in and stay here forever...


Friday, January 2, 2015

Final trips to the Coast

When we first contemplated a move to Australia, we pictured ourselves visiting the beach as often as possible. Unfortunately, that did not happen. Quite frankly, we were too busy doing so many other fun and interesting things! Needless to say, as we see our time in Australia quickly fading away, we have decided to make as many trips to the coast as possible. Having Matty around is certainly a great motivator for us as he LOVES the beach! I'm not sure what we're going to do when we're back in Ontario where there really are no proper beaches around...

We will truly miss Australia and its beaches - they are some of the prettiest in the world! We will also miss the ritual of grabbing some fish and chips for dinner before hitting the road home after a full day at the beach.